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EMF (Electromagnetic Field) Balancing, is a technique created by Peggy Phoenix Dubro in 1988 which is being applied in more than 70 countries.

We have an electromagnetic field called the Universal Calibration Lattice which is connected to the Earth´s and Universe´s Energy (as shown in the diagram left)

Through different phases with which we work, we balance and strengthen the electromagnetic field, recovering our individual energy and raise our consciousness.

There are 13 phases of the technique, each designed to work with and strengthen the Universal Calibration Lattice.

Anyone on the path of conscious personal growth will benefit from having greater knowledge of his or her Universal Calibration Lattice, and helps us in developing of our abilities to fully express ourselves.

Documented benefits of the EMF sessions:

Profound peace, greater mastery in ones life, improved wellbeing, and sometimes even physical healings - the benefits are unlimited as we learn to hold and express our greater charge. 


Phase I EMF Balancing Technique Energy Session 

This session is designed to clear and balance your personal energy lattice with the focus harmonizing the balance of your intuition and intellect: “Think with your heart and feel with your mind”.
Releases stress and establishes a new pattern of freedom and well-being. Experience the energetic balance between head and heart.


Phase II 

This session is designed to develop your inner patterns of Self-direction and Self-support in the energy of wholeness. We are capable of knowing ourselves as unique individuals and as a divine part of the conscious collective.  We are required spiritual maturity and spiritual mastery. Peace in our world, personally and collectively, is in our hands. 


Phase III 

The “Radiating Core Energy” session supports the energetic awareness of being fully present in the core of your being:  “It is not the mountain that will wear you out, it is the grain of sand in your shoe.” In this session, the focus is on the smaller energy centers within your energy body. 


Phase IV 

A powerful recalibration of the potentials you transmit within your Universal Calibration Lattice. In this cycle of time, there are new potentials to activate within your multifaceted Self. Your vision of what is possible now expands as you learn to express and function as a multidimensional being. Your practical and your spiritual evolution support the ability to master your most precious resource, your personal energy.

In this session the balance of being and doing is recalibrated for all of us. What do you choose to co-create now?  Let us remember, peace in our world, personally and collectively, is in our hands and hearts ... and we now know our contribution matters .


Phase V to VIII

The focus of Phases V-VIII is the Practice of Mastery in everyday life. These phases strengthen the energetic patterns of mastery and lead to a fuller expression of the attributes you already carry within you.


Phase IX to XII

In these phases, you will gain a deeper understanding of your Core Energy as the ultimate expression of your self, your “Infinite I”. 


Sessions are given at a distance or in person:

Contact: +54 9 115 928 2506   






Quantum SCIO es un tratamiento de bioresonancia que busca restablecer el equilibrio del organismo a nivel biológico.

Mide el campo electromagnético del organismo generando un intercambio de frecuencias energéticas. 

Fue creado por Bill Nelson, un ingeniero que trabajó en la NASA. Vive en Budapest donde atiende y capacita.


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